An accurate demand forecast can help a hotel optimise pricing, inventory and operations, resulting in increased revenue and profitability. NB: This is an article from Lybra, one of our Expert Partners Demand forecasting is also very useful for defining more targeted and effective marketing strategies allowing hotels to reach their target...
“Our 2025 world cruise invites travelers to not only see the world, but also take their time in each destination and make memories that will last long after the journey has ended,” cabezas concluded.
The hotel industry has some serious investments to make in improving guest experience if hoteliers want to maintain current high rates, revenue managers said. The problem: Labor issues and other challenges have caused an erosion in guest satisfaction at hotels, putting the wave of high rates hoteliers are enjoying in jeopardy.
Metasearch platforms work by providing the customer with the most recent prices and availability for a given room. Making sure that this data is in real time is crucial for metasearch engines to be able to drive accurate results.
Hotels are businesses and like any other business, they need to generate revenue in order to survive.
It’s no secret that the mobile booking process for hotels trails behind other industries in terms of speed and user experience. NB: This is an article from Triptease There’s a clear drop off shown in the graphs below (Figure One; Figure Two; Figure Three) between the number of potential customers visiting...
Increasingly, guests care as much about their overall experience as they much as they care about finding the lowest possible rate.
he moment marks the beginning of an entirely new way to measure performance across websites and mobile devices, one that’s more private and adaptable. And yes: it really is that different! The transition is going to be difficult, as it’s not just the interface that’s changed.
People born in the year of the Tiger are said to be brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others, but sometimes they can be impetuous, irritable and overindulgent.