How to Use Social Media Marketing for Hotels


In today’s digital environment, having a strong social media presence is a must to reach potential clients and keep them engaged.

NB: This is an article from Proven Partners

An effective marketing strategy spans multiple social media platforms and uses photos and videos to inspire, engage, and attract travellers to your hotel. In this short article, we’ll share a few proven tips used by real estate professionals to develop an effective social media strategy.

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Social media strategy tips

Using social media for real tangible results requires a well-thought-out plan. Here are a few practical tips for creating brand awareness, generating leads, and turning occasional clients into loyal brand ambassadors.

Tip 1 – Identify Your Audience

Each social media platform comes with its own targeted user base. The best social media platforms for real estate aren’t the same platforms best suited for other products. But any platform can be used to build brand awareness and redirect users to your hotel’s website. On the other hand, implementing a broad-reach strategy doesn’t mean you can use the same style of social media posts across all platforms.

By looking at the popular posts of a given platform, you should get an idea of what the users of said platform gravitate towards. If you deviate too much from what users expect, you run the risk of appearing out of touch. You want your posts to stand out but not “stick out.”

Some things to look for include:

Formal vs Informal – A slick professional production is expected on some platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook), while a more “off-the-cuff” feel is best suited for others (YouTube, Tik Tok)

Length of Posts – Size matters. Based on internal algorithms that track the success of media campaigns, we see a large discrepancy among social media platforms. For example, the optimal video on Facebook is under 20 seconds, whereas a video on YouTube is more likely to succeed if it approaches 10 minutes.

Tip 2 – Be Visually Consistent

You only get one chance to make a first impression. And with social media platforms, often an impression is all that you’ll get. Social media sites are scrolled through rather than thoroughly consumed as would be a blog or an email campaign.

Your brand and the intent of your post should be apparent at a glance. And this is true across all social media platforms. This means being consistent as to:

The colour palette

The fonts (style, size, and placement)

The CTA (call to action)

Being visually consistent with your social media posts is crucial to branding. Find out more with this ultimate guide to real estate branding, and be sure to incorporate those tips in your posts whenever possible.

Tip 3 – Collaborate

While social media platforms are designed to allow businesses and individuals to promote and share, don’t neglect the “social” part of the equation. Social media platforms are where communities form and grow. And these communities provide an excellent opportunity for the hospitality industry and real estate professionals to integrate and connect with potential clients.

Use influencer marketing to gain access to thousands (if not millions) of already engaged users. This outreach could come in a variety of forms:

Paid promotion – where you pay a social media influencer to share your post

Product placement – where you pay a social media influencer to talk about your hotel

Affiliate marketing – where the social media influencer, travel vlogger, or YouTuber is paid a commission for the sales they generate 

Special offers for travel vloggers or YouTubers – where you make your hotels especially appealing to creators who are likely to be interested in your hotel and will then promote it without any explicit agreement or contract

Read rest of the article at Proven Partners

The post How to Use Social Media Marketing for Hotels appeared first on Revenue Hub.


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