How To Speed Up Your Hotel’s Sales Cycle?


Hotel sales is one of the most daunting aspects, isn’t it?

NB: This is an article from eZee Absolute

Most sales professionals always find it frustrating when closing a lead takes forever. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Every hotel, irrespective of its shape and size, can speed up its sales cycle. You just need to spare some time to understand your current process, implement certain steps, and voila!

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I know…I know. It isn’t as easy as ABC! But it’s not something you can’t achieve.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the topic, understand everything about it, and come up with strategies to speed up your hotel sales cycle.

What Is a Hotel’s Sales Cycle?

Generally, a hotel sales cycle is a process of turning a lead into a guest. However, this process is repeatable and tactical and involves everything from the first touchpoint to building strong relationships with the guests.

To put it simply, a sales cycle in a hotel is not just about turning a lead into a guest, but also repeating the success by acquiring repeat reservations.

Why a Sales Cycle Is Important for Hotels?

You’re walking down the halls of your hotel and you’re seeing that all your rooms are empty. There’s complete silence!

Isn’t that the horror?

This is a hotel without a sales cycle. A little exaggerated but you do get the point, right?

Basically, when you have a well-defined sales cycle you increase your chances of keeping your hotel booked. Even during the drought days of the year.

In the case of a hotel that doesn’t have a sales cycle, the control is usually with the potential guests. They are going to book based on their impression of your hotel. You, most probably, have no say in their decision-making. Worst still, you’re just sitting at your property and waiting for guests to check in or waiting for reservation calls or notifications.

What if you have a sales cycle? Or, what if you have a strategy to find prospects and communicate with them?

Then you have a better chance of acquiring reservations.

Let me explain how.

A potential guest checks your hotel website. He gets your number and calls you right away. However, he refuses to make a booking because of the pricing or maybe something else.

What would you do?

Read rest of the article at eZee Absolute

The post How To Speed Up Your Hotel’s Sales Cycle? appeared first on Revenue Hub.


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